As a father figure, my Dad is the most loving, giving, self-sacrificing man I know. He constantly wants to make sure his children are happy and works very hard to do so. However, as my Mom said life takes over sometimes and he doesn't always hear me. I am so dependent on my parents, but Christ is the only one that actually hears me ALL the time. He hears all my struggles and knows the depths of me greater than anyone ever could. Even as I am sitting here with an empty bank account, I know Christ will always provide for me and my family. It is hard for me not to start asking WHY do my mom and dad have to work so hard everyday...Can't Christ see how much they are struggling and give them some rest? I love this quote from C.S. Lewis that says:
When I lay these [why] questions before God I get no answer. But a rather special sort of ‘No answer.’ It is not the locked door. It is more like a silent, certainly not uncompassionate, gaze. As though He (God) shook His head – not in refusal but waiving the question. Like, ‘Peace, child; you don’t understand.’
There are so many why questions I could ask, and I know I will have harder why questions to answer throughout my life, but instead of asking why I should ask if I am "rich in truth, wealthy in faith, and fully invested in eternity." Why questions will never get me anywhere. My dad can't hear everything I say because he is trying to figure out life just as much as I am. We both may have no money at times but somehow we always are okay....and the only thing I understand about that is that Christ never fails us. Life is going to be weird and hard and scary but Christ is the ultimate father and love story. His love never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever (and I could go on) will fail us.
I thank God today for my Dad and Mom. They have shown me how to trust in the Lord and have loved me so well.