Sunday, April 22, 2012


"Flow through me, Holy Spirit, flow through me.
A useful vessel let me be.
Let me touch someone in need
In Your precious Holy name
Flow through me, Holy Spirit, flow through me.

As You moved in the upper room that day,
As Your spirit fell in such a mighty way.
May we never be the same
As we call upon Your name,
Flow through me, Holy Spirit, flow through me."

 Flow through me Lord.

Today, Tomorrow, Forever.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Healing Powers of Lice

It's funny what Christ can use to grab your attention.  He used lice for me.   In the midst of dealing with such a nuisance of a bug, I would have never realized what I know now.  However, just letting myself be near to Christ and listen to him more (like I wanted to in my first posting) I came to an understanding of everything.  It may not be exactly why Christ brought all of it upon me and maybe at times a silly comparison, but it brings peace to my soul. 

Lice invested me (gross) about three or four weeks ago when my heart was being broken and I didn't even realize it. Just like I didn't realize I had lice at the beginning, I wouldn't let myself even go to the depths of how I was feeling.  I am very much a shrug it off kind of person, but I was hurting and did not let myself feel that because to me that is a sign of being weak. I don't want to be weak and want to control my life. Christ was trying to break me of that.

Once I found the lice, I went through denial.  I pretended like it was mostly gone when I really had no idea if it was there or not.  I didn't want to think about it so I didn't. I was dealing with my brokenness in the same way.  I pretended I was okay. I pretended that my friends hadn't been distant towards me or hurting me for weeks. I pretended that I didn't feel alone and that I was unhappy.  I knew deep down that I was not okay, but hey thats easy to cover up. 

 Then that fateful Sunday happened on spring break.  That Sunday made me have to come to terms with okay I do have lice. It's not as easy to get rid of as I thought and I had to accept the fact that I had a problem (even though lice is not that big of a deal). I had to actually deal with it.  Christ stripped me of everything I put my comfort in that day. I had never felt so hurt, so unwanted, and so alone as I did from friends that day.  I believe Christ had to do that to get my attention because I wasn't letting him in when he had been trying for so long.  Oh how I wept.

The next week was the beginning process of my healing.  I went through ups and downs of feeling hurt and feeling loved my Christ.  My friendship with Mary was strong again, and I think we needed that week to rekindle our friendship and going back to comparing it to my process with lice..that week was the week we were really treating our hair and spending lots of time and effort trying to get rid of it.  During that restful time, I was able to be alone with Christ and really start understanding how I tend to put other relationships before him. My lice getting less and less, but I still would find some throughout the week. Like with my hurt, I was feeling my need for Christ and the pain of what had happened was getting less, but the hurt was still there.

The next week was my breaking point. I had thought on the way home from spring break that I was over it all and I was going to be all happy and carefree once I got back.  However,  I had to come back to a house and friends that were still scared of the bug and a house that definitely did not feel like a home.

  Christ wasn't going to let me shrug what I was feeling off and was going to make me sit in my uncomfortableness...literally.  He longed for me to really embrace him.  Ron was going through a hard week, as well, so what typically brought me happiness even when no one else was, was not there either.  I finally broke down and accepted that I was hurt and that it really sucks just like I had finally come to terms with the pains of lice. I was ready to end the battle with it.  I was ready for Christ to heal me.  I read a quote from the lent devotion I have been doing  that said, 
 "To embrace one’s brokenness, whatever it looks like, whatever has caused it, carries with it the possibility that one might come to embrace one’s healing, and then that one might come to the next step: to embrace another and their brokenness and their possibility for being healed. To avoid one’s brokenness is to turn one’s back on the possibility that the Healer might be at work here, perhaps for you, perhaps for another"  
 I had to embrace that I was hurting so that I could heal.  I think during my small group and speaking openly about my pain was what finally allowed me to do that.  I felt as though that week I was at risk of blinding myself with my tears and not allowing myself to see Christ at all but  wallow in my self-pity.
  Instead, reading about how Christ wept for Jerusalem in the verses Luke 19: 41-44 made me run to him. Christ says in that verse "If you, even you had only known on this day what would bring you peace but now it is hidden from your eyes."   I  made the decision to open my eyes to a God who loves me so much that he wept for me. He so badly wants all of us to run full speed ahead to him. I know the truth but it took the lice and brokenness to get me to really know the truth and really let Christ be my healer, lover, friend, and God that he wants to be for me.

The lice may or may not be fully gone.  I am still treating it and hoping I got rid of those suckers, but if they aren't completely gone I will keep treating it.  I know my hurt isn't fully gone either, but I am going to use Christ to treat me instead now.  I have so much peace with everything. I have realized it is okay to be hurt by friends, and it is okay to let them know they hurt you.  Christ is what brings me joy, and because he loves us and  wants us to be happy he gives us other people/things/relationships to bring us joy too.  I have learned that people fail you because we are all human but Christ never will.  

I am thankful for lice today.  I am thankful that Christ wept for me today.  I am thankful for his lovingkindness.

How to be Cool.

My boyfriend is cool. Yes, I am probably biased, but he really is.  I am not cool.  I am okay with that, and I have come to accept that.  I am not writing this to be like "aww feel bad for Laura" because I know I am not cool.  There are just some people that are wired with just freaking awesome brains, and my boyfriend is one of those. There are also those people that pretend to be cool but really are just putting on a show.  I think we should just all accept the fact that not everyone can be cool.  Yeah, we all have different or unique qualities about us that can make us interesting or fun or funny or nice or whatever but not everyone can be cool. I looked up what made someone cool just because I was curious what the internet would say, and I found these five factors.  I mean I think these factors are true, but my point is that I just think some people are cooler than others.  I can't even describe what I think coolness is but to me it's when someone can just be sitting there and just by looking at them you know they are awesome. 
  1. Self Belief and Confidence: Have a strong internal locus of control and are not afraid to be themselves no matter the social situation.

  2. Defying Convention: Will be in careers that are born out of true passion (human rights, sciences, the arts) and will follow their passions - even if unconventional

  3. Understated Achievement: Successful but not overly showy. Further they regulate their outward expressiveness. They appear in control and not overly 'emotional'.

  4. Caring For Others: Broad-minded and sensitive

  5. Energy and Sociability: Get out there. 

 This might be one of the weirdest posts, but it is just what has been on my mind the past couple days. Brains/People/Personalities are so crazy.  But hey, if you are all worried about not being cool anymore I also found 19 steps on how to be cool.   If you aren't born with a cool brain just use these steps from wikihow and I am SURE you will learn how to be cool.  

.......................What the hell am I even talking about?